Error Launching App When Opening Cocos Creator 发表于 2023-07-12 更新于 2024-10-24 分类于 Cocos Creator 阅读次数: 阅读次数: Valine: 本文字数: 221 阅读时长 ≈ 1 分钟 Error launching app when opening Cocos Creator A colleague had previously installed Cocos Creator, but today, when trying to open a project, the following error occurred: Solution:Simply uninstall and reinstall the version of Cocos Creator being used. 打赏 微信支付 支付宝 本文作者: 南锋 本文链接: 版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 BY-NC-SA 许可协议。转载请注明出处!